08.07.2023 22:24

       Recently I visited Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, «Honored Inventor of Russia» Viktor Sergeyevich Kralin. There I managed to meet him and his first client Olga Alexandrovna Dryagina, whom I asked some questions and interviewed. I would like to remind you separately about the scientist's invention. With the help of infra-frequencies, he was able to successfully extract an aqueous fraction with certain chemical elements having medicinal properties in the process of drying wood and a frequency generator. In the future, this method can be used to extract a concentrated substance from any medicinal herbs that can stop the course of both simple and complex diseases, highlighting the necessary elements.

       - Olga, hello. Please introduce yourself, who are you, where do you work and what do you do?

       - I am a medic by profession, I graduated from our medical college in the city of Revda. She has worked in medicine for 25 years. In my practice, I had to work as a nurse and take care of elderly people.

       - Can you tell us about your patients who had difficult health problems?

       - I had a patient with diabetes mellitus. Against the background of the ongoing disease, both legs were amputated. Then she gradually went blind and I had to take care of her. Naturally, if a bedridden patient, then she has bedsores. Bedsores were very serious and reached the third degree of complexity. They were deep and very scary.

       - Have you used traditional medicine? How did it help in whole or in part?

       - In this situation, I used levomekol, Vishnevsky, beneocin ointment and something did not go well with us. Nothing really healed.

       - That is, the bedsores did not pass?

       - It helped a little. There was no complete healing effect. Only the symptoms were relieved. I didn't know what to do anymore.

       - When you realized that traditional medicine does not help much, what decision did you make? Who did you turn to for help?

       - I thought then that I should try to use folk remedies. Then I turned to my neighbor, Professor V. S. Kralin, for help. He advised me to make a tincture of birch buds made according to his technology. I quickly made a decision, after all, this is traditional medicine, and even the tincture is made according to the scientist's technology.

       - What was the result? After what time did the tincture of birch buds begin to have a positive effect on the patient?

       - After about a week, I already saw a positive effect, and after 10 days, the wound began to tighten. It was originally large and deep. I already thought, well, nothing will help us now. And here is just a unique case. I treated the surface of the body three times: in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, because the bedsores are large.

       - That is, this infusion, made according to the technology of Professor V. S. Kralin, can be safely used in the treatment of bedsores?

       - This is a unique tool, I didn't even believe my eyes at first, and then I saw everything in reality and was stunned. I just gasped, wow, nothing helped, and then within a week improvement went. I suffered so much, and here an ordinary birch tree looks at us, and we pass by.

       - And when you were a nurse at your grandmother's, did doctors and nurses examine her? Were they surprised when they saw the unexpected effect?

       - Visiting nurses came once a month and observed what condition Grandma was in. How they look after her, whether everything is fine. Then they were surprised when they found out that the patient's bedsores were gone. They began to ask how you managed to overcome such a sore. I tell them, here is a folk remedy according to the technology of Professor V. S. Kralin. It helped. I told them everything that I treated with an infusion of birch buds three times a day. I washed, washed, in general, all the hygiene of the body. Then everything was scarred and tightened. The only thing left is a scar.

       - Have you used this tincture on yourself? Maybe they got sick somewhere, and then tried it out?

       - Yes, and I had problems. Chronic sinusitis. I think let me try, maybe it will help. Because of this disease, my head hurt a lot. I decided to drip into my nose. It helped right from the first time. I didn't even expect it. I thought for a week or two I would have to drip, and then immediately, as if by hand, it was removed. My head stopped hurting quickly. I was very surprised then. I think we need to dig some more.

       - Is there a difference in which composition to use tincture of birch buds? For example, for external use or sinusitis?

       - There is a difference. For sinusitis, 20 % alcohol content is enough. There's still a mucous membrane there, so as not to burn it. For pressure sores, it is best to use an infusion of 40 %.

       - You have twice used a tincture prepared according to the technology of Professor V. S. Kralin. In the treatment of pressure sores and sinusitis. Can you swear that this drug helps?

       - Absolutely. It's been two years now and I don't have sinusitis. Everything was taken off like a hand.

       - I've heard that in the treatment of sinusitis, it seems to be removed by surgery? And when using the tincture, what happened?

       - No operation is needed here. It's just that everything flowed out and passed by itself, and the sinusitis disappeared, as if it never existed. All the pus came out.

       - That is, you recommend using larch water and tincture of birch buds, prepared according to the technology of Professor V. S. Kralin?

       - Naturally, I recommend it, since I tried everything myself. As the saying goes, you don't need to go to the doctors either.

       After the conversation with Olga Alexandrovna Dryagina, I continued the conversation with Professor Viktor Sergeyevich Kralin and asked my questions.

       - I just talked to your first client, do you want to add something?

       - Of course, I can add. More than a hundred experiments have been conducted. I made sure that the water fraction, which I extract from vegetable raw materials, works with a positive effect. I was just forced by life to conduct this experiment on my mom. About three years ago, she suffered a lot with bedsores. It's a terrible thing when a patient is bedridden. A normal person at the sight of such bedsores can easily faint. I got this water from birch using my own technology. I made an alcohol tincture of 40 %. The most amazing thing is that it was February then and there were no kidneys. Then I tried to sprout birch twigs. And before my eyes, in three days they sprouted. I was surprised. Instead of medications that didn't really help, I applied my tincture and all the wounds healed. Mom, communicating with the old ladies at the entrance, let slip and this information reached Olga Alexandrovna. She turned to me. I immediately told her that I guarantee 100% security. This solution affects the skin, in the case of bedsores only positively. Here is one of the confirmations that the combination of science and folk remedies gives stunning results.

       - And here's another question, well, for example, I decided to insist birch buds myself. Will I get the same effect as you?

       - Of course, you will have a certain therapeutic effect, but not the same as after using my technology. The fact is that the infra-frequency processing technology is quite complex. We use special devices with the help of which we receive water. The 100 % effect I'm talking about can only be achieved with the use of a frequency generator.

       - Let's summarize, before we recommend a tincture of birch buds, prepared according to your technology, have you conducted all the experiments on yourself?

       - Of course. Any cut is cured within about three to four days.

       - I'm going to ask you a very relevant question now, what effect will be achieved if your drug is used in case, for example, a soldier or an officer is injured? After all, there are torn fabrics, fragments and other debris penetrate?

       - 100 % will have a positive effect. I'll give you an example even now. Few people know and remember, but during the Great Patriotic War, Leningrad scientists suggested using their developments based on pine needles. A very serious extraction was done and for this people received Stalin prizes, and then State ones. This is a slightly different analogue, but its effectiveness has been proven over years of use.

       - What helps tincture of birch buds obtained by your technology?

       - For wounds and treatment of bedsores. As we have just heard from Olga Alexandrovna, even with sinusitis. The infusion can be applied only externally, not inside.

       - Is there a certification of your tincture?

       - In two weeks, I receive a certificate of conformity in one of the Novosibirsk laboratories, according to the standards of the Eurasian Customs Union in force in Russia.

       That was the end of our conversation. If you have any questions and desire to purchase larch water, birch bud tincture, cedar sap or cedar oil according to the new technology of Professor V. S. Kralin:

       - Citizens of the USA and Europe should contact the head of Aruba Wellness Center Diomid Bashkinov at Vacap by phone: 1-617-429-11-39. Email address: dima319@gmail.com

       - Russian citizens should contact Vladislav Gorbunov, President of the ANNO «International Academy of Sciences», directly at Vacap by phone: +7-902-277-35-19. Email: mr-vlad.gorbunov@yandex.ru

       - To Professor Viktor Sergeyevich Kralin himself on Vacap by phone: +7-922-136-91-11. Email address: vskralin@yandex.ru

       Full member of the ANNO «International Academy of Sciences», head of the «Prometheus» research group, representative of the «Aruba Wellness Center» (Center for the Development of Health and Longevity) Valery Sivokon.


Александр из Германии 08.07.2023, 22:55
Теперь и Россия своими достижениями может похвастаться. Молодцы, что выходите на западного читателя. Пусть гордятся наши соотечественники за рубежом, достижениями общественных академий наук. Удачи Виктору Сергеевичу.
Елена ⇒ Александр из Германии09.07.2023, 19:47
Полностью с Вами согласна.
Дима 09.07.2023, 09:05
Захватывайте рынок страны, у вас лучшее предложение и доступные цены.
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