09.05.2024 14:42

       Conference in NY.

       Another health conference in which we participated together with Radiotech products. The truth is always simple - most of our problems arise from eating the wrong food. There are not enough nutrients and too many toxins in it. These toxins poison our body, and we feel bad, go to the doctor. The doctor prescribes medications that relieve the symptoms, and we feel better, we think it works, but instead the problem remains, and the drugs poison our body even more.

       To stop and reverse this process, it is necessary to cleanse the body. We have collected the best of the best purification techniques - herbs, tubes, a new technology of Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, «Honored Inventor of Russia» V. S. Kralin for obtaining pomace from medicinal plants and so on. Complete cleansing of the body takes about 8-10 months. Using the RaDoTech device, you will see how the condition of your organs improves, and you’re eating habits change, you stop poisoning yourself with chemicals.

       Cleansing the body of toxins and the mind of negativity, which we also help, is the key to your long and happy life. The conference in NY is smaller than in Las Vegas, but with its own specifics - it feels like everyone has forgotten about the pills and soon they will be beaten for mentioning them - only dietary supplements, Ayurveda, Holistic Health, medicinal plants and oils. The answer to the question of how the client can verify the effectiveness of your drugs is the same:

       «We have the results of the research».

       It is unclear who conducted them, who believes them. Do you want the consumer to be able to verify the effect of your dietary supplements by seeing the state of their body before and after? Of course! Here is a Radiotech device that indicates all the changes in the body.

       The Next Step Conference.

       The «Next Steps» conference in Atlanta is a clear manifestation of the tendency to move from stating problems to finding solutions. Yes, Satanists still rule the world by creating problems, but there is also a positive component in problems - an incentive to awareness and development, understanding that only by directing our attention and energy to the positive, we create for ourselves a bright present and a happy future. This understanding is the basis for the promotion of RaDoTech products and new technologies. Having accepted the need for self-responsibility for your health and your loved ones, the search for tools for this will definitely lead to RaDoTech. There is less and less doubt that in a few years RaDoTech will be in every home where health is taken care of. The ways of optimal promotion of RaDoTech to the masses and understanding what prevents it are also being determined. A huge percentage of people do not want to strain and think. They are inspired by the opportunity to get a colorful picture of their body organs in 3 minutes of a simple test, but seeing the need to read something and figure something out, especially when problems are identified that are unpleasant to know about, inspiration gives way to the desire to send a new device far away. The way to overcome this is to attract and focus on RaDoTech specialists who will read and explain the results, immediately suggesting ways to improve health. The same specialists will promote sales of RaDoTech, dietary supplements and products from Professor V. S. Kralin from medicinal plants.

       The idea of attracting such specialists was given the main time at the Next Steps conference. Understanding the essence of today's healthcare and unwillingness to participate in it motivates many medical professionals to search for alternatives - homeopathy, natural medicine, Ayurveda and so on. For all these specialists, RaDoTech is an excellent diagnostic device and a way to earn money. It was also possible to discuss the prospects of holding a Conference on Folk Medicine on the island of Aruba and on the territory of Russia. Most of the people who are interested in these issues now are developed and positive. Everyone who was on the island of Aruba took the idea very well. And those who have not been to Aruba will undoubtedly like it. The location of the island will attract people not only from the USA, but also from Europe, Central and South America, as well as Russia. The processes are going in the right direction!

       The President of the «Aruba Wellness Center» (Center for Development, Health and Longevity) in the USA, honorary member of the «Prometheus» research Group, corresponding member of the ANNO «International Academy of Sciences» Diomid Bashkinov made a report to the scientific community in the USA:

       «Our organization, «Aruba Wellness Center», has brought together many people engaged in research and development of new technologies in the field of health and longevity studies. We cooperate with the following organizations in different countries of the world, including in Russia:

       - «Prometheus» Research Group,

       - RaDoTech,

       - ANNO «International Academy of Sciences»,

       - St. Petersburg Research Center for the «Liberation of Consciousness».

       We work together with many scientists and inventors from all over the world, including Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, «Honored Inventor of Russia» V. S. Kralin, who created a new unique technology using an infra-frequency generator for extracting medicinal substances from plants. In fact, knowing about the disease and having proper health monitoring with the help of a RaDoTech device that indicates problem areas in the body, choosing a plant with the necessary properties, you can cure any disease without resorting to the help of anyone. And we did it by giving hope to many people. This is a living example of the symbiosis of science and ancestral knowledge in the field of traditional methods of treatment».

       The truth is always simple.

       Having attended three medical conferences over the past six months, we can say with confidence about the main trends - the rapid collapse of stereotypes imposed by medicine, where the doctor receives money when the patient is ill, increasing authority and growing interest in natural methods of treatment and prevention of diseases, increasing openness to understanding the relationship between health and worldview, the need for personal responsibility for your health, and of course, the emergence of new technologies. Most of the skeletons found in the catacombs of Paris have healthy teeth, only a few hundred years ago giants and 300-year-old elders lived on Earth. These facts are getting more and more confirmation and less dislike and denial. Why have we lost the ability to live a long life? The answer is simple - they changed our diet, removing useful substances, added toxins and loaded our consciousness with negativity, hiding information about the structure of the universe and the power of positive thinking from us. Having understood this, everyone can now embark on the path of development, recovery and longevity, if only there was a desire for improvement.

       We organized the «Aruba Wellness Center» (Center for Development, Health and Longevity) in 2018 on an island in the Caribbean, engaged in the search and study of technologies, as well as methods of wellness and reducing biological age. Research is gradually forming the basis for the creation of individual programs for cleansing from toxins and filling both the body and consciousness with useful things. We have discovered and are actively promoting the RaDoTech device, which allows us to monitor health changes and factors affecting it. RaDoTech will show not only the effects of dietary supplements, exercises or diets, but also the results of liberation from the channels of energy outflow through negativity, energy and breathing exercises, and meditations. We are researching and promoting energy information technologies and devices «Biotron», «Ekut» and «AK-VITA». Their promotion has also gained a base, thanks to RaDoTech showing the results of their impact.

       There is a version that all of humanity will soon enter the age of Aquarius with technology and a long life. By cooperating with us, you can enter the age of Aquarius right now. There is an incredible hypothesis that there are parasitic creatures on Earth, the food for which is our vital energy, spent by us on negativity and suffering - «Gavah». These beings, possessing intelligence and technology, have put their biorobot servants in charge of the peoples of the world, without conscience and Soul, who hide from us free energy, the truth about the Universe, real history, health and longevity. Their activity and ability to control us depends on the position of the Earth in space, how much light energy it receives. With the increase of positive energy, Divine creative abilities are activated, we begin to understand the power of positive thinking, consciously approach the management of our energy and stop feeding parasites with it. Their influence on our lives is decreasing, the «Golden Age» is coming - until the bright energies run out again. Such cycles occur regularly and are described in the Vedas, Mahabharata and other ancient sources.

       Now we are just at the very beginning of another «Golden Age». The Schumann number is the frequency of vibrations of the Earth, which has stood at 7.8 Hertz for a long time, has grown to 50 Hertz in recent years and continues to grow. The earth is coming out of the shadow into the light, as they say, for the next 10 thousand years. What is changing? Our ability to materialize thoughts increases. We are more and more strongly attracted to ourselves by what we radiate. Those who radiate negativity should understand this and put an end to it, it is necessary to learn how to see, feel and radiate positivity. Until this happens, we must not be given free energy, otherwise we will kill ourselves with it!

       Unfortunately, this understanding cannot be conveyed to many without leading them through suffering, which will either send them to the next incarnation, or bring them back to common sense and responsibility. This process is underway and noticeable, many are awakening, but it is still far from its completion, therefore, it is very likely that problems for humanity will increase. At the same time, according to one version, the problems will not affect those who have already realized that there is no death and there is nothing to fear in life. Problems need negative vibrations to be attracted to a person, and if they are not there, then the problems will pass by. Whether this is the case, we will soon find out.

       Why do we live and where will we go after life?

       The main problem of humanity is that most people think they live only once. Because of this misconception, people live disgusting lives, commit terrible deeds, behave meanly and cruelly. People think that by running away from here, they have escaped from all the problems. Therefore, they kill, insult, rape, steal with a «clear conscience», and with the arrival of death they supposedly retire. Friends, after death, everything is just beginning. More precisely, it continues.

       Our life on Earth is just a short business trip. We are going here to purify ourselves. There, at Home, we live forever without getting old, but the conditions of our life depend on our level of development, the amount of energy and the level of vibrations. Svetlana Levashova in the book «Revelation» reveals this topic well. In order to develop, we need to come to Earth or other worlds. The earth is one of the polygons for development. By raising the vibrations, understanding what we need in earthly conditions, we can incarnate in better worlds with more dimensions. The duration of our business trip is small in our time, even if we live on Earth for a long time. Before being sent to Earth, each of us plans a life scenario and goals that we want to achieve for development. How this happens is well described by Michael Newton in the book «The Journey of the Soul».

       We are going to Earth to solve those tasks necessary for development that we did not manage to solve on our last business trip. We coordinate with teachers and supervisors our living conditions, which are optimal for our development. We choose a country, a city, and parents, but the worse the previous business trip was, the less choice there is, since less energy has been accumulated. Violent people who sow violence around them have no choice. They will be placed in the harshest conditions to work off their former sins. Therefore, if someone was born into a family of beggars, alcoholics or drug addicts, it was not God who punished him, but he deserved it in his previous life.

       The earth is not the most difficult and not the easiest polygon. And when people talk about Hell, they mean those 8 levels that are below the Earth. Sinners, after living on Earth, go to the lower levels corresponding to their energy state. Living conditions there are worse and life is more difficult. To return to Earth again, and then climb to the upper floors of another dimension, it is necessary to gain energy by making the right choices - actions during incarnations. All the events that take place in our lives are not predetermined, but depend on the choice of thoughts and actions. We choose the scenario in advance in such a way as to be able to untie the knots we tied earlier. Therefore, all diseases, all problems, catastrophes, the death of children and other circumstances happen as a result of something and for something. They always carry the opportunity, with proper awareness of the situation, to increase energy. A person leaves this life either when he has fulfilled his mission, or when he has used up all his energy. In this case, further presence on Earth only aggravates the situation. All catastrophes, maniacs and accidents are just decorations. This is a way to change the container for the triatom. If it's time for a person to leave, then even being in the safest place, he will leave, and if it's not time yet, then he can survive a plane crash. These facts answer the question of early care.

       Many talented or just very good people passed away very early. And there is quite a logical explanation for this. They have completed their mission and they no longer need to stay in this prison. It's Time for Them to Go Home. Before we are sent to Earth, our memory is blocked, but all the information is recorded in the subconscious. That's why sometimes deja vu happens. We have free will and, by making the right choices, we can change any situation for the better. It is possible to change the script. The Slavic «Custom» says:

       «Everything will be fine».

       Someone makes quality of life choices at the age of 30, being a billionaire, and someone remains poor until the age of 80. At the same time, the material condition is not an indicator of their correctness - a 30-year-old billionaire who sold his soul for money and received it for despicable deeds will waste energy, and a beggar can multiply and energy is much more important than money. If a person needs billions to fulfill his vocation on Earth, Higher powers will help him get them, and if he needs to lose them for development, they will help in this too. A robber, or someone who has criminally acquired his fortune in a previous life, may be made a beggar in this life. This is payback for previous sins - for wasting energy. Sometimes people say that a person felt death before death. He was in a hurry to finish something, saying goodbye to his loved ones, or even describing the circumstances of his death. This is quite understandable.

       In our subconscious we have information about the date of our death and its circumstances. When we say or think that «the heart tells us», a part of the subconscious opens up. The laws of Karma apply on Earth. Since childhood, we gain energy and form our Karma. The more positive emotions we receive, the more good deeds we do, the more benefit we bring to people, the better our Karma and the better the quality of our next business trip and in this life will be. We cannot complete the business trip ahead of schedule - all events are fair and justified, if we left early, then it is necessary. There is a time for everything. Death on Earth is not the end of life, but the end of a business trip.

       After death, we return to the world of souls, undergo adaptation there, and then return Home. Mike Newton described it in detail. At home, we meet with all the relatives and everyone we want to meet. Relatives do not have time to get bored. After all, we've only been gone a month. It's been 70 years on Earth. That's how it is, friends, we live forever. The meaning of life is in development, and for this we need to incarnate into bodies in different worlds corresponding to the level that we want to achieve. Real life is where we are now. Happiness is to see the result of your creative work. When we like what we do, we don't work a day. Everyone can find their vocation and live happily on Earth by making the right choices in life. The conditions in which we live at Home depend on the quality of our life choices. These facts answer absolutely all questions:

       «Why do we have to work all our lives? Why is everything for one and nothing for the other? Why am I hitting the wall, but nothing comes out? Why did Bruce Lee die young? Why does someone live in Murmansk, and someone on the island of Aruba? Why are people dying? Why do young children die?».

       These and many other questions are answered by the very mechanism of our existence. We come to Earth to be happy on the basis of the right choices, but without a hint it is difficult not to make a mistake and a hint is nearby, you just need to learn to listen to the Soul and subconscious. We either work something out or earn something. It's like we got a job at a new company. The working conditions are agreed in advance. We have certain responsibilities, tasks that we need to perform. And our fate depends on the quality of our work. Our world and our society will only become kind and adequate when each of us knows that death is not the end. It will not work to escape by doing meanness. We live more than once. As long as people think they live once, the cruelty will only progress. People earn terrible Karma, and then complain that they feel bad, that God has punished them. What we sow, we reap. It's just that someone will immediately be rewarded for his actions, and someone in the next life. There is an old cynical but true saying:

       «Do not condemn the soldier who stabbed a child with a bayonet, because in the next life this soldier (who will be a baby) will also be stabbed with a bayonet, and do not feel sorry for the murdered child, because in a previous life, as a soldier, he stabbed another child».

       Our every action, every step, every thought charges us with energy, or takes it away. We came to Earth to gain energy, not to lose it. Therefore, friends, live positively, be kind, help each other. Don't live as if life will end tomorrow. Otherwise, it will be excruciatingly painful later. Life will never end. And the quality of this and all subsequent lives depends only on us. Here is a brief description of the meaning of life on this Earth.

       Why is Aruba the best place to program yourself for health and longevity? Genetics is a branch of genetics that studies how our behavior and environment affect how our genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible. In practice, this means that our social environment, daily routine and diet, physical activity change the way the body reproduces cells that affect the work of all organs. And even more, this information can be transmitted genetically. Molecular microbiologist Bruce Lipton devoted 23 years to epigenetics and with a group of other scientists discovered the influence of human thoughts on his DNA. As a result, for the next 20 years, Bruce was not ill and had no reason to turn to medicine. At this time, he is 79 years old and feels great. So, what did they discover?

       It is believed that it is our DNA that controls our behavior and emotions. However, upon further study, many contradictions arise. According to this theory, people are victims of circumstances. For example, if there is cancer in the family, then people think that if they have these genes, then they are also disposed to get cancer or Alzheimer's disease or any other serious diseases. And people believe that they are not in control of their lives because they cannot influence their DNA. And this creates fear, because if someone in your family has a serious illness, then your subconscious mind prescribes information that you will not be able to do anything about it. By the way, this is still taught at biology and medicine faculties all over the world. But this is not true. Molecular biologists, epigenetics and quantum physicists have proven the opposite in numerous experiments with stem cells. When a person looks in the mirror, he thinks he sees one being. In fact, this is an illusion, because the human body consists of about 50 trillion cells, each of which has its own personality. And in this sense, the human body is a community of 50 trillion cells. At the same time, billions of cells die every day as a result of natural aging, damage, and much more. We lose hundreds of billions of cells every day, and the logical question arises, if I lose so many cells every day, how long can I keep alive? And the answer is very interesting.

       Along with the fact that we lose billions of cells, new billions appear in return. And this process goes on without stopping every second. Right now, as you read this article, millions of old cells have died, and millions of new ones have formed in their place. This process is carried out thanks to stem cells, or rather embryonic cells. Every person has such cells, and they are the ones that replace the old cells. These embryonic cells can become cells of anything. Cells of muscles, skin, bones, brain and any other parts of the body. The scientists took one stem cell and placed it in a Petri dish, and there it multiplied every 10 hours. That is, after one hour there were already two cells and so on. By the end of the week, they had about 30 000 stem cells in a Petri dish.

       Let me remind you that all the cells came from one parent cell, but in the end there were 30 thousand stem cells and they are all genetically identical, since they came from one parent. The scientists then separated these cells and placed them in three different Petri dishes. In the laboratory, cells multiply in a certain nutrient medium, a laboratory version of human blood. Each of these bowls had a different composition of the nutrient medium. Scientists have created three types of synthesized human nutrient media with slightly different chemistry and obtained different results. These experiments called into question the theory that our genes control us, because initially identical cells suddenly began to develop in different ways and the reason for this was that the cells grew in different environments. These studies prove that it is not the genes that decide what will grow, but the environment in which the cells grow. It is the environment that determines the fate of the cell. As mentioned earlier, a human is not a single cell, but a set of 50 trillion cells under our skin. In a sense, a person is a Petri dish covered with skin. And here the question arises:

       «What is the nutrient medium?».

       Our blood. Then the next question is:

       «Who or what in our body creates and determines the chemical composition of blood?».

       Our brain. It controls hormones, growth factors, chemical composition, nutrition, emotions and more. Okay, then the last but most important question is:

       «What kind of blood chemistry should create a brain for different groups or types of cells and how does this happen?».

       As it turned out, the chemical composition of blood depends on the state of your consciousness. In other words, once you change your mind, you will change the chemical composition of your blood. And this in turn will affect the genetic activity. This means that the predestination of my cells does not depend on genes, but on the picture in my head, and the brain translates this picture to my blood, and then to the whole physiology. And it turns out that the formation of a person's consciousness is influenced by external factors of the environment in which he is located. No matter what positive foundation parents lay in the consciousness and development of their child, as he grows up and becomes a person, external factors will have the final impact.

       The next discovery concerned the length of telomeres. There is a small extra piece called a telomere at the ends of the DNA helix. Each time the cells multiply, the DNA strands become a little shorter. If you copy a cell many times and you no longer have telomeres, then eventually there comes a point when the cell will not be able to restore the genetic code, and aging and disease begin at this point. Biologists have calculated that as a result of multiple division and reproduction, human life should last about 100 years. However, Bruce and a group of scientists discovered that there are enzymes that can increase the length of telomeres. If these enzymes are active, then the number of telomeres does not decrease, and when a cell divides, we do not lose that piece of DNA. In this case, the stem cell does not age and continues to multiply and multiply. It's amazing. The enzyme responsible for maintaining telomere length is called telomerase and is activated only under certain external conditions. For example, if you are healthy, happy, joyful, telomerase works and you can live longer, but if you are stressed, information enters your brain that you have big problems in life, then telomerase stops working, and your life is shortened. Accordingly, if you are in happiness, joy and harmony, you can live for 150 years or more. By the way, if you are interested in information on how to obtain theromerase from the outside, specialists from our organization will explain to you, follow the link and ask your questions.

       Source: www.ArubaWellnessCenter.com

       Well, the question arises, why do we die so young then? Because the subconscious tells us that we are sick, weak, unhappy, no one loves us, we are under constant stress, life is difficult, food is poisoned, the future is unknown and, as a result, telomeres shrink, we age and die. The secret to a long life is simple - be happy and enjoy your life. However, in reality it is not so simple. The main problem lies in the subconscious mind. According to research, the conscious mind controls and manages only 5 % of our lives. Only 5 % of the time consciousness controls our behavior, mood, character, desires, preferences and dreams, and 95% is controlled by the subconscious mind. When the conscious mind is engaged in the process of thinking, the subconscious mind takes control of everything in its own hands. And here's the problem. The way the subconscious mind controls our lives was programmed by our parents and immediate environment in childhood until the age of seven. Based on a study by scientists, it was estimated that 70 % of these attitudes undermine self-confidence and sabotage a happy and joyful life. That is, if 70 % of the attitudes in the subconscious are negative and destructive information, you can imagine where we are going. 95 % of the time our life is controlled by the subconscious mind and, most likely, 70 % of the time it rolls into the abyss. But not everything is so sad. We return again to the discovery of molecular biologists. The conscious mind directly affects the chemical composition of our blood, which is a nutrient medium, and this, in turn, affects genetics and, thus, we create our own future. You can believe that you are successful or unsuccessful, and your success depends on it. Henry Ford once said:

       «Regardless of whether you believe you can or can't, you're right».

       That is, faith is the key factor. Negative thinking can create any disease and even lead to death. If you believe that you are dying, if you truly believe in it, then you will die, because your faith controls the biology of your body. Faith can be both positive and negative. Only in the case of a negative effect, it is not called a placebo, but a national one. Thanks to positive thinking, we can be healthy, and with the help of negative thinking, we can drive ourselves into the grave. That's the answer to why there are so many sick people around. Your life is a printout of your programs. What to do? If you want to learn how to play tennis, you train and practice every day. Then, at some point, you are already doing it without prompting and without turning on the conscious mind. It's becoming a habit. So, it has been recorded in the subconscious, and this is a new program. If you want to record a new model, you have to act like it's already true, and do it so many times until it becomes a habit. Let's say you are an unhappy person, and what should you do in this case? At any free moment of time, you need to talk:

       «I'm happy. I'm happy. I'm happy».

       And you need to do this every day. This is how you record new things into your subconscious mind through repeated repetition. Yes, it looks like you're pretending, but through repetition you turn it into a habit. And the more you repeat, the sooner the moment will come when quantity will turn into quality. And you will no longer need to repeat that you are happy, because you will be truly happy. Once the new program is installed, no effort is required, and you don't even need to think about it. The program will work automatically, and it is part of those 95% of the time when the subconscious mind controls your life. So, life is a printout of your programs. Let's change bad programs to good ones. It is easier to change them where high energies help - in Places of Power, one of which is the island of Aruba.

       President of the «Aruba Wellness Center» (Center for Development, Health and Longevity) in the USA, honorary member of the «Prometheus» research Group, corresponding member of the ANNO «International Academy of Sciences» Diomid Bashkinov.


Frank 09.05.2024, 14:48
Well done for moving the topic of natural healing and natural remedies.
Жека 10.05.2024, 14:58
Молодцы. Удачи Вам во всех начинаниях.
Понтий Пилат 11.05.2024, 15:07
Так держать и двигаться только вперёд. Рад за Ваши успехи.
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