31.08.2023 22:27

       Radiotech devices can be used in private practice and business. There is no need to have a special education to use them. It is enough to take courses, get a certificate and register yourself as an entrepreneur. It is important to show the client the effectiveness of the procedures performed and the correctness of the chosen strategy in recovery or rehabilitation. RaDoTech is the only objective method of hardware functional monitoring that allows you to see a real and objective picture of the client's condition in just 3 minutes of testing. Moreover, with the help of RaDoTech, it becomes possible to conduct remote consultations, which meets the spirit of the times and will become your competitive advantage as a specialist.

       RaDoTech is the easiest and most reliable way to independently monitor changes and progress in restoring the health of the client. Constant monitoring makes it possible to accurately build the client's path back to health and a full life. Monitor your health status. Carry out monitoring under any changes and circumstances. Mobile, convenient and accessible everywhere. Study the reaction of the client's physical body to wellness and recovery programs. Observe in dynamics how different foods and types of nutrition, dietary supplements, medicines, medicinal plants, various types of massage and physical activity, as well as any changes in climate and environment affect the body. Find out in advance about any deviations and changes in the client's body and take timely measures by following the recommendations in the application or by contacting RaDoTech. I recommend that massage parlors and private practitioners purchase this technique to provide additional services in monitoring the health of their clients, as well as to take training courses on specialized programs. An affiliate discount of 10 % of the current cost is provided for equipment and additional services. Please read the information about radio equipment:

       - for the USA and Europe at: www.radotech.com

       - for Russia at: https://radotech.ru/

       When buying a device by citizens of the USA and Europe, use the promo code RDTDMD10908 and get a 10 % discount on the device.

       When buying a device by Russian citizens, use the page at the email address: https://radotech.ru/prometey/ and get a 10 % discount.

       This device is especially good for those people who perfectly understand what is happening in the world and there comes a moment when doctors will stop serving you, since you have not passed a medical experiment. The device will allow you to test your body yourself and point out weak points. To purchase the device for citizens of the USA, Canada and Europe, contact the head of the «Aruba Wellness Center» (Center for Development, Health and Longevity) To Diomid Bashkinov on Vacap by phone: 1 617 429 11 39.

       For those who are interested, subscribe to the group in the telegram channel «Aruba Wellness Center» and ask direct questions: https://t.me/+zxgiYAWdgL4xOGEy

       to be continued…

       The head of the «Prometheus» research group, the representative of the «Aruba Wellness Center» (Center for Health and Longevity Development), associate professor and full member of the ANNO of the «International Academy of Sciences», member of the «Russian Geographical Society» Valery Sivokon.


Борис Иванович 01.09.2023, 12:32
Молодцы, прибор в современных реалиях просто необходим. Сейчас вся медицина платная будет. Он пригодится, как никогда.
Есаул ⇒ Борис Иванович01.09.2023, 19:48
Архинеобходим этот прибор. Сейчас веселуха начнётся и люди поймут это.
Зинаида ⇒ Есаул02.09.2023, 14:04
Я себе такой приорбрела и ни разу не пожалела. Диагностика организма на высшем уровне. Все болячки показывает.
Леонид ⇒ Зинаида02.09.2023, 21:06
Без интернета работает? Только честно.
Наталья ⇒ Леонид02.09.2023, 23:25
Вроде бы не работает.
Кустарь 01.09.2023, 15:00
Сейчас уже скорая помощь будет приезжать за деньги, так что прибор актуален сегодня.
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