I will continue my story about the medicinal properties of the Wheatgrass plant. I repeat once again that there is nothing new here, everything was discovered before me and by our ancestors, I just tried to systematize all the information. There are no wonderful discoveries here, but just the knowledge of our proto-Slavic Vedic civilization. Let's move on to the diseases section and how to treat them with this wonderful herb.
The use of Wheatgrass in various diseases in folk medicine.
Skin diseases.
Boil 15 grams of rhizomes with roots of creeping Wheatgrass for 10 minutes in a closed container, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 2-4 weeks.
Diabetes mellitus.
Creeping wheatgrass works as a metabolic regulator. Traditional medicine recommends the following cooking recipe. Take 4 tablespoons of dry crushed Wheatgrass rhizomes in 5 cups of water, put on low heat and boil until the volume is reduced by one quarter. Then strain and take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
Chronic inflammation of the colon, a decoction of Wheatgrass is prescribed at night in the form of microclysms with a volume of up to 60 grams. To prepare the broth, 2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured into 1 cup of hot water, boiled for 5-10 minutes, cooled, filtered and squeezed. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. Instead of broth, you can use the fresh juice of the aboveground part of the plant. To do this, the stems are washed in running water, scalded with boiling water, passed through a meat grinder, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1, squeezed through a thick cloth and boiled for 3 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. They are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
Sweating of the legs.
Sweating of the feet with odor and suppuration. Wash your feet thoroughly with warm water and soap, and rinse with cold water. Take the grass straws of the creeping grass and twist them between your fingers, as they weave baskets. Put on clean socks, sleep through the night. In the morning, throw out the straw, wash your feet, and put on clean socks. Repeat this daily at night. It is enough to do this for a week and the disease goes away for many years. The smell, sweating of the feet and suppuration disappear.
Pour 4 tablespoons of crushed Wheatgrass rhizomes with 5 cups of boiling water and boil until about a quarter of the volume has evaporated. Take 2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks.
In modern times, the problem of infertility is becoming the most urgent, as the habitat of our species is artificially changing, trees are being cut down, "heavenly joy" is being poured on our heads every day, the density of the electromagnetic flux has been artificially increased hundreds of times, under threat and blackmail we are forced to use a medical experiment that changes the structure of the body at the genetic level, we They feed us artificially created food, flood our body with chemical drugs from pharmaceutical corporations, and so on and so forth. Taken together, all this causes enormous problems and diseases in humans, plus there is a change at the genetic level, and we turn into chimeras, unable to produce offspring. This remedy will be useful for both men and women. Pour two cups of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of the rhizome of creeping Wheatgrass. Prepare a decoction. Take half a glass 4 times a day before meals. Or another application recipe. Pour 1 tablespoon of wheatgrass with a glass of boiling water, let it stand for 30 minutes, strain and drink it 1 tablespoon at a time. 3 times a day before meals.
Pour 4 tablespoons of dry, finely chopped Wheatgrass rhizomes with 5 cups of water, boil until the volume is reduced by a quarter. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
Gastritis, colitis, enteritis, metabolic disorders.
Take 5 teaspoons of crushed Wheatgrass rhizome and pour 1 cup of cold boiled water. Insist for 12 hours, strain, pour the remaining mass of rhizomes with 1 cup of boiling water, insist in a warm place for 1 hour, strain, mix both infusions. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.
Exudative diathesis.
Pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed rhizomes of creeping Wheatgrass 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, leave to infuse, wrapped, for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.
Decoction for the treatment of tuberculosis.
It requires 250 milliliters of natural milk, 2 tablespoons of dried Wheatgrass roots or 1 tablespoon of freshly dug. Pour in the hot milk and boil for 5 minutes. Strain it. Cool the product a little and drink it in 1 dose. Take up to 3 glasses a day for tuberculosis.
Take 20 grams of wheatgrass rhizomes, pour 1,5 cups of boiling water. Insist for several hours, strain. Take 1 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
Cystitis, urolithiasis, joint rheumatism, gout.
Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed wheatgrass rhizome with 1 cup of water, boil for 10 minutes in a closed container, leave to infuse for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Tea mixture for juvenile acne.
Wheatgrass 20 grams, Tricolor violet 10 grams, Horsetail 10 grams, Nettle 10 grams. Pour two teaspoons of the mixture with 1/4 liter of boiling water, let it stand for 10 minutes and then strain. Drink regularly 1 cup of tea 3 times a day.
Salt in the joints.
Often the cause of joint pain is the general slagging of the body. How to clean up? Collect the rhizomes of creeping Wheatgrass in the garden, rinse thoroughly. Insist one glass of rhizomes for 12 hours in a liter of boiled water, add honey to taste and drink half a glass 3-5 times a day.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cholelithiasis.
Make a decoction of 60 grams of crushed wheatgrass rhizomes per 1 liter of water. Boil for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Take 1 glass 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks.
30 grams of wheatgrass rhizomes are boiled in 1 liter of water until half is left. Take 3 times a day for 100 milliliters.
Chronic pancreatitis.
They make a decoction of the rhizomes of creeping Wheatgrass. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials into 1 cup of hot water, boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain, squeeze, bring the volume to the original. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.
Cough associated with colds, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
Pour 15 grams of dry crushed wheatgrass rhizome with 2 cups of cold water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
To improve vision.
4 tablespoons of dry crushed rhizomes of creeping Wheatgrass per 5 cups of boiling water, boil until the volume is reduced by 1/4, strain. Take 4-5 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
Oncological diseases.
Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed dry rhizomes of Wheatgrass into 1/2 liter of boiling water, simmer for 12-15 minutes, leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. Drink 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 1/3 cup for 3-4 weeks.
As a mild laxative and diuretic.
Decoction (1:10) of Wheatgrass rhizomes is prescribed 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. A decoction of 2 teaspoons of rhizome per 1 cup of boiling water is made. Boil for 5-7 minutes on very low heat. Insist, wrapped, for 1 hour, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.
Abdominal dropsy.
Boil 15 grams of rhizomes with roots of creeping Wheatgrass for 10 minutes in a closed container, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
Pour 5 tablespoons of crushed wheatgrass root into 0,5 liters of boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and make enemas for chronic constipation.
A cold ache.
Take 200-600 milliliters of Wheatgrass juice squeezed from rhizomes and grass 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks. To do this, the rhizomes washed in running water are scalded with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder, diluted with 1:1 water, squeezed through a thick cloth and boiled for 3 minutes.
Radiation sickness.
Insist 2 tablespoons of crushed Wheatgrass roots in 500 milliliters of boiling water (in a thermos) for 8 hours, strain, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Take during the day in 3 doses for 0 minutes before meals in a warm form.
To prepare the broth, 4 tablespoons of crushed rhizomes are poured into 1 cup of hot water, boiled for 5 minutes and filtered. Take 1 cup 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.
They make a decoction from the root of Wheatgrass. For 20 grams of roots, 1 cup of boiling water. Drink 200 milliliters 3 times a day before meals. Externally, make lotions from the broth. For various skin diseases, they take a bath once a week. To do this, 100 grams of Wheatgrass and Burdock rhizomes are placed in an enameled bucket, half of the container is filled with hot water and boiled for 10 minutes. The duration of the procedure is H0 minutes. For childhood eczema. Take for 3-4 weeks 2-3 times a day 50 milliliters of Wheatgrass juice, squeezed from rhizomes and herbs, and bathe children in it.
For urate and oxalate stones.
Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day of decoction of Wheatgrass rhizomes. 4 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials per 5 cups of water, boil until the volume is reduced by 1/4, strain. When the type of stones is not established, apply a cold infusion of rhizomes of creeping Wheatgrass. 15 grams of crushed dry raw materials per 2 cups of cold water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
This concludes the story about the use of the Wheatgrass plant in various diseases and moves on to the next equally interesting section. In fact, if desired, you can find information about other diseases that are cured using medicinal herbs. There would be a desire, but there is not enough space or time to describe everything, and it will turn out to be a whole book. Personally, I use the Vedic knowledge of our ancestors in 99 % of cases when I am unwell and use only medicinal herbs. I categorically and fundamentally do not trust the system of total evil, which has been caught lying more than once, but still continues to lie:
«Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand up to the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies» - (The Gospel of John. Chapter 8. Verse 44).
Contraindications and precautions.
Treatment of children under the age of two with any herbal remedies is potentially dangerous. If you have good health and take the drug for a short time within the dose range, and other precautions, it is possible to treat children of two years of age. The exception is pregnant women. Creeping wheatgrass is often contaminated with a poisonous fungus containing ergot. Discard plants with a black coating!
Cooking recipes.
Do you think this is the end of the use of Wheatgrass grass? You won't wait. It is perfectly used in cooking. Salads, side dishes for meat, fish and vegetable dishes are prepared from fresh rhizomes, soups are cooked. The dried ingredients are suitable for making flour, and they are used to make porridges, jelly, beer, bread, and a substitute for coffee. People have adapted to use Wheatgrass everywhere. Both the rhizomes and the aboveground part are used to prepare various dishes. Rhizomes are preferable, because they are richer in useful components and at the same time juicy. Wheatgrass recipes will especially appeal to those who like savory and original food.
Salad with Wheatgrass.
In the spring, this salad will become a real vitamin bomb, capable of awakening the body from hibernation and melancholy. To cook it, in addition to 100 grams of Wheatgrass rhizome, you will need Dandelion leaves of about 40 grams, Nettle leaves of about 50 grams, as well as Plantain and Honeydew leaves of 30 grams each. Add dill, parsley, and green onion feathers to the herbal mixture. The rhizomes should be boiled a little beforehand, about 10 to 15 minutes. Chop all the greens, add salt and season with sour cream or mayonnaise.
Puree Wheatgrass with onions.
For this dish, which can be considered a dietary supplement, you need 300 grams of Wheatgrass rhizome. Wash it, boil it until soft, remove it from the pan with a slotted spoon and roll it through a meat grinder along with 50 grams of onions. Add salt, pepper and sour cream.
Pies with Wheatgrass.
For pies, you need to prepare a regular dough with yeast, but replace some of the wheat flour with flour from the rhizome of Wheatgrass, for which the dry root is ground in a coffee grinder. Moreover, flour is made only from young rhizomes, old ones are not suitable for this. For one and a half kilograms of wheat flour, take half a kilo of wheat grass. And then do everything as usual: dilute 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar in a glass of milk, add a bag of dry yeast. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands and begins to fall behind the sides of the dishes. Leave it to rise. The filling for such pies can be hard-boiled and chopped eggs mixed with rice, mashed potatoes with fried onions, minced meat. You can bake pies in the oven or fry them in a frying pan in a large amount of vegetable oil.
Porridge with Wheatgrass.
To make such a porridge, you need to crush the young rhizome of Wheatgrass and turn it into grits. When cooking, mix this cereal equally with any other, such as buckwheat or pearl barley. It is better to cook in a water bath, add salt at the end of cooking. Serve with milk or butter.
Flour and wheat grits.
Dig out the underground branching white rhizomes of Wheatgrass in early spring, rinse with cold water, and air dry. Grind to remove brown scales, grind into flour or grits.
Bread made from wheatgrass rhizomes.
Wash the Wheatgrass rhizomes, dry them and grind them into flour. Prepare the dough and ferment it with soaked bread or wheat flour. As soon as the dough rises, cut it into loaves and bake in the oven. Moisten the finished loaves with cold water and cool.
Soup with wheatgrass rhizomes.
Season the meat broth with about 300 milliliters of potatoes 50 grams, carrots 20 grams, finely chopped onions 20 grams, herbs 5 grams, wheat grass rhizomes 70 grams. Salt to taste.
Salad of wheatgrass rhizomes.
Wash fresh rhizomes weighing about 120 grams, pass through a meat grinder or finely chop. Add onion 20 grams, carrot 30 grams, sorrel 5 grams, dill 5 grams. Season with vegetable oil or mayonnaise 10 grams. Add salt to taste.
Casserole made from Wheatgrass.
Rhizomes of Wheatgrass 150 grams should be thoroughly washed, boiled in salted water, cut into pieces, and passed through a meat grinder. Put the mass in a frying pan, pour the egg-milk mixture (1 egg, 50 milliliters of natural milk, 25 grams of butter), you can add sausages and bake in the oven.
Puree of Wheatgrass.
Rhizomes of Wheatgrass about 250 grams should be thoroughly rinsed with cold water, boiled in salted water until softened, and the water drained. Then pass through a meat grinder, add the browned onion 50 grams, ground pepper 2 grams, salt to taste. Season with butter or sour cream.
The afterword.
Wheatgrass is very useful for humans. It is rich in elements that strengthen bones and hair, normalize the work of thyroid hormones, strengthen the immune system and have a positive effect on vision. There are also many other useful properties that this plant can give people. So why not take advantage of the properties of Wheatgrass? But before use, be sure to consult with your doctor, so that instead of benefit, you do not harm the body, because there may be side effects or allergic reactions.
During the Civil War from 1917 to 1922, during the Great Patriotic War from 1941 to 1945, famine reigned in our country. Many knowledgeable and leading people, healers and herbalists, saved their lives, their families, friends and acquaintances precisely because of their tremendous knowledge about the world around us, about Nature and Harmony, about medicinal, medicinal and nutritional properties of plants. It was thanks to this knowledge about the use of herbs as medicines and nutrition that helped them survive and save the lives of all those who turned to them for help. Our task in this difficult time is to restore and revive this knowledge by passing information about it to the public. The Prometheus Research Group, the International Academy of Sciences and the Aruba Wellness Center (Center for Health and Longevity Development) in the USA are engaged in this, as well as many other individual independent researchers and scientists, and as part of various scientific groups. That's all.
Valery Anatolyevich Sivokon, Head of the «Prometheus» Research Group, full member of the «Russian Geographical Society», full member and Chairman of the Academic Council of the «International Academy of Sciences», representative of the «Aruba Wellness Center» in Russia.