05.12.2023 16:21

       In October 2023, I had a meeting with the patient's wife Olesya Krupenchikova, who tested her husband's treatment for osteomyelitis with a tincture of birch buds made using a new technology of Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, «Honored Inventor of Russia» V. S. Kralin using an infra-frequency generator that enhances the medicinal properties of medicinal plants. Her husband suffered from this disease for 22 years, from the age of 15 and could not be cured in any way. Now he is 37 and he has forgotten about the disease.

       - Hello Olesya. What problem are you facing?

       - My husband suffered from osteomyelitis from the age of 15. He got hurt, pierced his leg with a nail. Now he is 37 years old, and he suffered from this disease. We were treated by traditional medicine, performed operations, but nothing helped.

       - How did you manage to get rid of the disease?

       - I was looking on the Internet for ways of non-traditional treatment to somehow help my husband. I accidentally came across an article about Professor V. S. Kralin. I have carefully read and studied everything. We contacted him because there was nothing left to lose. Nothing helped. No medication, no surgery. The suppuration continued. He gave us his remedy, and we began to use it.

       - And how did you use the tincture on birch buds?

       - We lubricated the wound. It was open. They buried it there and within three weeks there was an improvement, I would say a cure. Suppuration and redness have passed. He also had tissue necrosis. Absolutely everything has disappeared. It turns out that he has already forgotten about this disease for a year.

       - In fact, the wife saved her husband's leg?

       - Yes.

       - Olesya, can you tell me why my husband didn't come to the interview?

       - He has a lot of work to do. Since he was cured, thank God, he can now work. During his illness, he walked on crutches and was unable to work. And now everything is fine and he has no time.

       - So, as a spouse, you decided that justice would prevail and came to this interview?

       - Yes.

       - Do you recommend other people to use birch bud tincture for this disease?

       - I advise everyone, especially I am very grateful to Professor V. S. Kralin. It helped us, and we actually forgot about this disease. Hopefully forever.

       - Thank you for the interview. With your permission, I will ask a few questions to Professor V. S. Kralin himself?

       - Yes, of course.

       Then I interviewed a scientist, professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, «Honored Inventor of Russia» V. S. Kralin, who easily went into dialogue, revealing his little secrets.

       - Are there any other patients with positive healing results that you can tell us about?

       - Already dozens, fortunately. I can even name names. Kirill Titov is from the glorious city of Chelyabinsk.

       - What did he have?

       - The same osteomyelitis. Moreover, I met the head of the purulent surgery department of the Central Clinical Hospital № 23 in Yekaterinburg there and he became interested in it.

       - Do you use an infra-frequency generator for each medicinal plant?

       - Absolutely, that's the whole point. With the help of these frequencies, the viscosity of the water changes. Here is a symbiosis of traditional medicine knowledge about the medicinal properties of plants and science. What is the cause of osteomyelitis? A whole gamut of bacteria. This is also staphylococcus, which my tincture simply kills once and for all. It is also interesting that the attending surgeon of Olesya's husband made it clear that the leg could be amputated, since the pus was released without ceasing and tissue necrosis begins.

       - I'm not afraid to say so pathetically that your invention is a gift for humanity. Will this drug be able to cure psoriasis?

       - Before applying for treatment, I always consult with leading professors of medicine, so I am not ready to answer psoriasis yet. There are other diseases that I can confidently name that my invention helps to cure them. This is sinusitis, all kinds of colds, including the new fashionable, ideal wound healing, by the way, for cases of wounds in its own, the tincture will help perfectly, bedsores and osteomyelitis.

       - Viktor Sergeevich, there is such a disease as diabetes mellitus. Is it possible to use your technology to make a squeeze from another medicinal plant to cure this attack once and for all?

       - For some reason, I have full confidence that this is possible. In the Far East there is such a tree as Far Eastern velvet. God willing, we will apply this technology in a short time. I'm not talking about miracles, but about the properties of medicinal plants.

       - And about the Jerusalem artichoke plant, can you tell me something?

       - I didn't even expect that you would ask such a wonderful question, which we didn't even agree on. This is a unique plant. In Stalin's times, academician Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov created a collection of seeds of cultivated plants and brought Jerusalem artichoke seeds, which the Indians obtained by crossing sunflower and corn. How they managed to do this is unclear. This unique plant gives inulin. And according to my technology, there are no big problems to get inulin. It is clear that life is short and it is necessary to have time to pass everything on to my students so that they continue my work. Practically nothing has been done in this direction, I am a pioneer and there is a huge amount of work to be done.

       - Thank you for the interview. I was very interested.

       While I was writing my article, I received another review from a grateful patient Lyudmila about the tincture on birch buds, prepared using the new technology of Professor V. S. Kralin:

       «Legs with heavy load and prolonged walking have been hurting for 10 years, perhaps the reason was overweight and taking pills for diabetes, cholesterol and everything else that our doctors prescribe to elderly people. Somehow, she held on. But just two months ago, the shooting of a sharp pain in the knee joint began with a recoil in the lower back, so that I could practically not leave the house. Massage, balms and ointments helped a little and then only in a calm state. You can't get to the hospital; the numbers are busy for two weeks ahead. They went off with a sin in half once, but the doctor they signed up for turned out to be on sick leave, and others refused to take it. The receptionist recommended to sign up again. My husband scolded them, and we left. Here, just by chance, there was an opportunity to take a tincture on the birch buds of Professor V. S. Kralin. We started in September, as recommended, a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening. As of the end of September, the pain has almost stopped, it happens only rarely, with sudden movements and prolonged walking. I would like to try compresses, but the available 300 grams of medicine is clearly not enough for this, I would like to buy at least three liters».

       You can ask your questions about obtaining tincture from birch buds, methods and application schemes directly in the telegram channel «Aruba Wellness Center» (Center for Development, Health and Longevity): https://t.me/+zxgiYAWdgL4xOGEy

       Associate Professor, full member of the ANNO «International Academy of Sciences», Chairman of the Academic Council of the ANNO «International Academy of Sciences», member of the «Russian Geographical Society», head of the research group «Prometheus», representative of the «Aruba Wellness Center» (Center for the Development of Health and Longevity) in Russia Valery Sivokon.


Александр из Германии 05.12.2023, 17:46
Ирина ⇒ Александр из Германии06.12.2023, 18:31
Марина ⇒ Ирина06.12.2023, 20:03
Я с вами.
Казак Уральский 05.12.2023, 19:38
Любо. У нас атаман только этим и пользуется и людей лечит - народными средствами.
Елена ⇒ Казак Уральский06.12.2023, 01:46
Это Дмитрий Захаров? Он костоправ и никакого отношения к травам не имеет, но костоправ восхитительный. Профессионал своего дела.
Пингвин ⇒ Елена07.12.2023, 13:35
Знаю его, хороший мастер.
Виктор Иванович 05.12.2023, 23:07
Уважение великому учёному. Когда приступите к топинамбуру? Там же инулина просто тьма. Как раз от сахарного диабета поможет.
Рита ⇒ Виктор Иванович07.12.2023, 16:12
Поддерживаю Вас.
Офицер 06.12.2023, 21:45
Так держать.
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