30.11.2023 16:13

       On November 19, 2023, representatives of the ANNO «International Academy of Sciences» and the Prometheus research group were invited to the solemn presentation of membership cards of the «Russian Geographical Society» at the Ural State Pedagogical University, where the international educational campaign «Geographical Dictation» was launched. The ninth «Geographical Dictation», organized by the «Russian Geographical Society», took place on all continents of the globe, including Antarctica, and even on the International Space Station, located in near-Earth orbit. Ural Pedagogical University is the central platform of «Geographical dictation» in the Sverdlovsk region! The site was organized by the Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of the «Russian Geographical Society» and the Institute of Natural Sciences, Physical Culture and Tourism of the Ural Pedagogical University. On this day, all those who are interested in the geography of Russia, research and expedition activities gathered in the studio of the Russian Society «Knowledge» in the Ural Pedagogical University.

       A unique feature of the dictation site in the Ural Pedagogical University was the presentation of the teaser of the media expedition «Gray Caucasus-Gray Urals». The project was implemented by the team of the Ural Pedagogical and Sverdlovsk regional branches of the RGS in September 2023. All the participants of the meeting were delighted with this short, informative and fascinating film. Then, our representatives with great pleasure and quite successfully participated in the international educational campaign «Geographical dictation», answering many questions with a positive result, namely:

       - full member of the «Russian Geographical Society», Associate Professor and Vice-President of the ANNO of the «International Academy of Sciences», Deputy Head of the «Prometheus» Research Group Sergey Vasilyevich Lataev,

       - full member of the «Russian Geographical Society», full member of the ANNO «International Academy of Sciences» and the research group «Prometheus» Valery Ivanovich Occasion,

       - full member of the ANNO «International Academy of Sciences» and the «Prometheus» Research Group Dmitry V. Sivokon,

       - full member of the «Russian Geographical Society», head of the «Prometheus» research Group, Associate Professor and Chairman of the Academic Council of the ANNO of the «International Academy of Sciences», representative of the «Aruba Wellness Center» in Russia Valery Anatolyevich Sivokon.

       Then, in a solemn atmosphere, membership cards of the «Russian Geographical Society» were handed over and short comments were given by our representatives from the city of Pervouralsk. That’s what Valery Sivokon said:

       «We have been coming to this recognition for a long time. Since 2000, there has been a research group «Prometheus», which after 23 years of its work and dozens of expeditions, cooperating with scientists and independent researchers not only in Russia, but also in Europe and the USA, was jointly transformed into the ANNO «International Academy of Sciences». From one person in 2000, it turned into a powerful organization, which included dozens of different people, including from abroad. We exchange our information, which we managed to get in the process of activity. And so, our work was noticed. Our representatives were invited to the «Russian Geographical Society». I hope that we, for all the time of the existence of modern Russia, are the first from the city of Pervouralsk who were awarded this honor. In turn, we will be useful to the «Russian Geographical Society», although many of our studies often go against official science, but it does not matter. The truth is learned in discussion, and we are always ready for it. We are able to admit our mistakes and misconceptions, but only under a string of irrefutable facts and arguments. It is independent researchers and scientists, pioneers of everything new that give a significant impetus to the knowledge of the universe. I am very happy about this event».

       A short comment from Sergey Lataev:

       «Of course, this is another success of our research group, and I will not hide it, I am pleased. «Geographical dictation» showed all the weaknesses and strengths. I am happy with his writing, making sure that I have certain knowledge. Today we are engaged in research work on the historical object Didinsky tunnel and together with the «Russian Geographical Society» we will bring our work to its logical end. Based on the results of the work, we will try to publish a book with a full layout of all archival documents under the title «The Secret of the Didinsky Tunnel». And there really are a lot of questions to which there are no clear reasoned answers yet, but only versions and hypotheses are present».

       Valery also said his word:

       «I am happy to have become a full member of the «Russian Geographical Society». For our part, we will do everything possible for as many independent researchers and scientists from different countries as possible to join this organization, making new and sometimes sensational discoveries together. Humanity is on the verge of great upheavals and discoveries not only of the political direction, but also of science. I am glad that I am directly involved in this, being a full member of the «Russian Geographical Society»».

       Opinion of Dmitry Sivokon:

       «I will not hide it; I was very pleased to participate in the International educational campaign «Geographical Dictation». Although I am engaged in professional health restoration, I also participate in research expeditions as part of the «Prometheus» group. Nothing is alien to me. It is necessary for any educated person to know the geography and local history of his native land, region and Homeland. Thanks to the «Russian Geographical Society», my knowledge is growing and expanding. In the future, I plan to reveal the secrets of the Didinsky Tunnel together with the RGO and the ANNO «International Academy of Sciences»».

       We have been full members of the «Russian Geographical Society» for almost a year now, but since all the documents were made in Moscow, in the parent structure, they were handed over to us in a solemn atmosphere only now. After some time, after checking the «Geographical dictation», we were sent diplomas.

       Researchers are people who are moving along the road of the greatest resistance of the entire ossified and conservative opinion of society, breaking ideas about the universe. They are the ones who make sensational discoveries in science. It was Heinrich Schliemann, an independent researcher and amateur archaeologist, who found and dug up Homer's Troy, despite the entire world scientific community denying its existence. It was the British amateur astronomer William Herschel, as director of the British orchestra group, who discovered the planet Uranus. It was the Russian enthusiast and simple engineer Ippolit Romanov who created the first models of electric mobile cars. And this list can be continued indefinitely. Do not be afraid to explore this world on your own and voice the boldest hypotheses without fear of someone else's opinion and who knows, perhaps they will form a coherent and logical system of theories. Be flexible in your versions and back them up with logical reflections and comparative analysis. Perhaps you will go down in history as the discoverer of something unusual. Go ahead and don't look around, waiting for the approval of society. Only the brave, thinking and dreaming conquer the peaks of truth.

       Valery A. Sivokon, Full member of the «Russian Geographical Society», Head of the «Prometheus» Research Group, Associate Professor and Chairman of the Academic Council of the ANNO «International Academy of Sciences», representative of the «Aruba Wellness Center» in Russia.


Александр из Германии 30.11.2023, 16:37
Юстас 30.11.2023, 17:32
Знай наших.
Леонид ⇒ Юстас02.12.2023, 00:12
Приятно видеть наших представителей с Урала в зарубежных научных обществах. Признали. Интересно знать, им предлагали поменять место жительства? Сколько уже учёных и исследователей уехало в лаборатории западных стран, когда в своей стране они по сути никому не нужны? Голый энтузиазм.
Иван волонтёр ⇒ Леонид02.12.2023, 17:21
Да кому нужны эти самозванцы - доценты, прохиндеи,экотуристы и самостийные следопыты !? Поезжайте-ка на СВО! Именно там меняется география России и много открытий чудных они испытают на ТВД.
Леонид ⇒ Иван волонтёр02.12.2023, 19:22
Завидуй молча ничтожество. Кто ты и как тебя звать, скрывающийся завистник без роду и племени. Рассмешил. Вот кто ты такой?:)
Светлана ⇒ Леонид02.12.2023, 22:42
Вы знаете почему он такой злой, у него велосипеда нет. Купите ему велосипед.
Александр из Германии ⇒ Иван волонтёр02.12.2023, 21:54
Только почему-то их представителей приглашают на научные конференции в разные страны мира, а вы тут никому не нужный болтаетесь. Наверное ничего из себя не представляете, вот и хейтите тему. Кто ты хоть? Гульчатай, покажи личико.:)
Рита ⇒ Иван волонтёр02.12.2023, 21:59
Что ты себя как баба истеричная ведёшь? Надоели уже. Люди наукой занимаются, добро людям несут, везде приглашают их и на научные конференции и в различные организации, и патентуют свои изобретения, и хотят передать их для лечения участников СВО, только ты всём недоволен. Кто о чём, а вшивый о бане. Вместо того, чтобы их отблагодарить, ты гнусности пишешь. Противно как-то на душе о таких безполезных людишек.
Тимур-бек ⇒ Иван волонтёр03.12.2023, 00:40
Ты дурак? Ты хоть понимаешь, какую чушь пишешь? Шизофреник?
Яна ⇒ Иван волонтёр03.12.2023, 01:38
Я помню твой последний комментарий, ты же антисемит. А почему сам не там, чтобы всякую ерунду писать? Давайка бери свои ноги в охапку и дуй. Решил избавиться от учёных и исследователей? Работаешь специально на врага? Ты и есть пятая, что ни на есть колонна, да и ещё антисемит.
Упырь ⇒ Иван волонтёр03.12.2023, 02:38
Нет слов. Ты хоть понимаешь, насколько ты глуп? Ты же сам себя в посмешище превратил. Имя и фамилия у тебя-то хоть есть или так и будешь за ником прятаться?
Дима 01.12.2023, 05:03
Августа Фредерика 02.12.2023, 22:03
Молодцы! Ждём новых открытий и публикаций!
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