04.01.2023 15:11

       Awareness of the multidimensionality of our body gives the key to understanding the essence of the evolutionary development of man. The fact is that every average person during his life goes through three mandatory stages of his evolutionary development:

       - unconditional,

       - unconditional-conscious,

       - conditionally conscious.

       In principle, there may be a fourth - CONSCIOUS stage. Consider a graph of a person's life in Figure 2. It reflects the whole life of an average person during this very life: from the moment of conception, through birth and to death (or a change in dimensionality as esotericists say). Time periods (on the horizontal axis) are indicated on the basis of the modern life expectancy of an average person and on it the first point of reference of 33 years is important for us - when the multidimensional structure of a person (for men) is mainly completed. On the vertical axis, the levels of the psycho-physical state of a person are deposited, including the maximum possible genetically determined with karmic corrections (karmic problems reduce the maximum psycho-physical state for the current incarnation). At birth, everyone has some initial level (the infant has all the organs formed and the initial unconditioned reflexes). I must say that the beginning of unconditional evolution of a person takes place in the womb - developing from one fertilized egg, passing in an accelerated mode all stages of evolution and being born a little man with some psychophysical potential. This is well-known information. After birth, he begins the next - UNCONDITIONALLY CONSCIOUS stage of his evolutionary development, up to the peak of his capabilities at the age of 33 (this is a conditional figure possible +- 1-2 years, and this is only for the male sex).

       What is UNCONDITIONALLY CONSCIOUS means that independent of the will of a person and the current awareness of this necessity - to evolve evolutionarily, but in a conscious state that allows you to accumulate evolutionary experience. This is first the ancestral (in the parental family) stage, then the social stage (nursery, kindergarten, school), then professional and again family when a new family is formed (the circle closes - in a spiral). Conditionally for men at the age of 33 - there comes a peak of psychophysical development, then some stabilization and then by the age of 40 a smooth decline begins. Everyone has different terms and the level of decline - but the result is the same, the unconditional change of dimensionality in the vertical dotted line 3 in Figure 2. What is UNCONDITIONALLY CONSCIOUS means that independent of the will of a person and the current awareness of this necessity - to evolve evolutionarily, but in a conscious state that allows you to accumulate evolutionary experience. This is first the ancestral (in the parental family) stage, then the social stage (nursery, kindergarten, school), then professional and again family when a new family is formed (the circle closes - in a spiral). Conditionally for men at the age of 33 - there comes a peak of psychophysical development, then some stabilization and then by the age of 40 a smooth decline begins. Everyone has different terms and the level of decline - but the result is the same, the unconditional change of dimensionality in the vertical dotted line 3 in Figure 2. Why this is happening - a very unseemly curve in our life turns out - yes, because we now do not have a culture of awareness of the need for evolutionary development - there used to be a Vedic culture, and now it has been practically destroyed, because it is not necessary for the existing system of the structure of society. The picture is sad, but if desired, it is fixable.

       For those who are interested, subscribe to the group in the telegram channel of Aruba Wellness Center: https://t.me/+zxgiYAWdgL4xOGEy




Гарик 13.02.2023, 22:53
Интересная версия автора. Всё может быть.
Есаул 14.02.2023, 02:20
Дима 17.02.2023, 21:07
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