20.10.2022 22:56

       I believe that the upcoming elections in November will be stolen and criminals will be put in power, who will create huge problems. Puppets of dark forces are everywhere - in the leadership of governments, political parties, public and private organizations, media, science and culture. Their task is to create conditions for us when we are forced to suffer and be negative, and this will continue until we understand this and remove them from power. This is not about money, the Illuminati and bankers, but for the sake of our vital energy, which is taken from us through suffering and negative emotions.

       The main thing that we must understand and learn is to leave our energy to ourselves, use it for creativity and development. The evil forces - Dark Teachers, are already leaving, unable to withstand the high energies that are now coming to Earth, and if we stop feeding them, they will leave even faster and their puppets, left without support, will also leave or be expelled by awakened people.

       They understand this and do everything to keep us in negativity and fear - that's what we need to fight - through a deep understanding of ourselves and our goals, our multidimensional structure, through the realization that there is no death, that our Soul and consciousness live forever, that we attract what we radiate, that everything returns and that which is not pleasure is always a lesson, with the right understanding leading to development. That our goal on Earth is the realization of the genetic potential, that we have the ability of the Creator to create our own reality.

       For those who are interested, subscribe to the group in the telegram channel of Aruba Wellness Center: https://t.me/+zxgiYAWdgL4xOGEy


Independent researcher from the USA Diomid Bashkinov.


Виктор Иванович 25.10.2022, 23:37
В принципе Автор выразил верные мысли, но через переводчик получается коряво. Благодарю.
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