Главная » История » HEALTH AND LONGEVITY.


22.11.2022 19:11

       Viktor Sergeevich Kralin was born in the city of Revda, Sverdlovsk region in 1956. After graduating from the Leningrad Forestry Academy in 1978 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, he worked as a research intern for one year and completed a targeted postgraduate course at the Leningrad Forestry Academy and in 1982 successfully defended his PhD thesis, receiving a diploma of Candidate of Technical Sciences. I would like to add on my own behalf, the defense of the dissertation fell during the Soviet years, which emphasizes the quality of education, since we know perfectly well how this procedure takes place in modern Russia and what knowledge is being given now. For the period of defending his PhD thesis, he issued 25 Patents for his inventions in various branches of technical activity. For two years in a row, 1980 and 1981, he was the best young inventor of the city of Leningrad. Further, he worked at the Ural Forestry Institute as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Mechanics and Head of the Department of «Machines and equipment of timber production». In 1983 and 1984 he was the best young inventor of the Urals. In 1990-1993, he completed a targeted doctoral program at the Leningrad Forestry Academy and began implementing his own inventions. Currently, the author of more than 150 Patents. In 2009, for the greater number of Patents introduced into the industry, he was awarded the title of «Honored Inventor of Russia». To date, he has Patents on oil sorbents, the processing of wood waste into charcoal and technologies of wooden house construction that have no analogues in the world, including environmentally friendly ways to make wood a non-combustible material.

       Since 2018, he has been a member of the Prometheus research group, which, up to a certain point, jointly funded the testing of his inventions related to longevity and rejuvenation of the skin and body cells. For obvious reasons, everything is temporarily suspended, since our country, unfortunately, does not require such developments and the state is not ready to allocate grants. The retirement age was not raised for this, but here we are with our longevity and health project? All his life, Viktor Sergeevich was interested in knowledge about the universe and the role of man in nature. Everything was conceived by the Creator flawlessly, only the desire of people to live in harmony with themselves and the world around us is necessary. We don't need medicines; everything is given to us from Above.

       The Russian scientist became known for his unique invention for drug-free improvement of human health and longevity, which crossed the road to pharmaceutical companies. The works of Viktor Sergeyevich Kralin intersect with the works of Doctor of Biological Sciences Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev, who strangely left this world in November 2020, which forces us to put forward a version about his liquidation. Who was behind the destruction of Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev? And the one who had a motive, and only transcontinental pharmaceutical companies had a motive, slowly killing people and earning huge sums from diseases, since their medicines do not cure, but extinguish the symptoms. According to the theory of P. P. Garyaev, the basic DNA information is encrypted in the form of waves, and cells remember sounds and even speech. Having thought deeply, Doctor of Biological Sciences P. P. Garyaev realized that he could accept the hypothesis of the birth of Christ as follows:

       «The Virgin Mary took into her chromosomes the wave program of God's Image from the Holy Spirit, and this started the process of the Baby's development».

       Approximately, he also admitted the act of the beginning of life on Earth, when the cosmic planetary Superintelligence created a wave information program to launch the processes of formation of entire Universes and life on them. Pyotr Garyaev has reached the level of information medicine, where treatment is carried out with the help of certain information, for example, sound programs. It can be used to treat this patient or his relatives. Everyone who knew and saw the academician, including during this time period, noted his youthfulness, healthy appearance, activity, fullness of plans. He always looked much younger than his passport age. His sudden death caused people to be shocked and think that he had been eliminated. Garyaev became objectionable to very high layers of world power. Satanists were frightened not only by its unique scientific effects, but even by visionary statements. After all, by creating quantum copies of diseases and introducing them into a person, as he claimed, it is possible to change his DNA in the direction "necessary" for these authorities. Criminal prosecutions on fictitious pretexts and murders of scientists in Russia and on the planet as a whole have intensified especially in recent decades - this is a terrible pattern, which indicates the loyalty of the directions of researchers and scientists. They began to be feared, as well as their discoveries. They kill nuclear physicists, biologists, geneticists, researchers of psi weapons, experts on working with uranium and others.

       The purpose of this is to hinder the development of science and research, the unwillingness of the emergence of strong scientific schools. G. Kissinger also spoke about the trend of considering advanced science in unfriendly countries as a strategic threat to the United States, and since Russia is in certain hands of evil forces, the version of persecution and murder of researchers and scientists is beyond doubt. With his latest inventions, Viktor Sergeyevich Kralin managed to isolate a therapeutic (cosmetological) concentrate from wood, medicinal plants, shrubs, herbs and mushrooms, which negates the continued existence of transcontinental corporations and the new world order. They become simply unnecessary in the daily life of the human species.

       According to the latest experiments carried out in the laboratory of the Prometheus research group, Viktor Sergeyevich Kralin's research is safe for health and works well exclusively by natural means. The work on birch water and extract extract from birch buds has almost been completed. He had previously tested this technology, which led to positive results in the complete healing of bedsores that were observed in the subject. There are dozens of eyewitnesses who can confirm the positive effect. He learned to intensify the swelling of birch buds on water extracted from birch wood during October, November, December, January, February, March, April, that is, six months earlier than it should be, thereby accelerating natural processes with the help of his invention.

       Now it is not necessary to wait for the beginning of May, when the birch buds will swell for harvesting. This undoubtedly contributes to obtaining a healing concentrate from Nature in the shortest possible time. Thanks to his invention, we have learned to obtain the healing properties of medicinal plants for the effect of rejuvenation of the skin and body cells, removing wrinkles on the skin of the face, hands and neck, negating all the efforts of transcontinental corporations engaged in plastic surgery and disfigur Viktor Sergeyevich Kralin, looks much younger than his years, regularly using the results of his discovery. This effect was discovered quite accidentally when drying freshly cut trees and using resonant infra-frequencies of the generator in the range of 0.1-20 Hertz.

       The above infra-frequency range resembles the well-known waves discovered by the famous German physicist Schumann, which he discovered in the mid-1950s. The resonant infra-frequencies that we use when obtaining the aqueous fraction of a particular freshly sawn wood species lead to a decrease in the surface tension coefficient of the liquid (water) and when it evaporates at a temperature in the range of 36-38 degrees Celsius. Under these conditions, water contains substances that the tree (medicinal plants) secretes (produces) in the form of extremely small doses (harmless to the human body) to fight bacteria, viruses, fungal spores and other phytophthora diseases of trees. In the absence of any heavy metal salts and other harmful substances in the isolated water fraction of wood, the isolated water fraction contains small doses of Dihydroquercetin, Melotanin and other substances of plant origin, which contributes to the body's resistance to cardiovascular diseases and oncology, negating all the efforts of transcontinental pharmaceutical companies subordinate to the world elites. In the regional clinical hospital No. 1 of the city of Yekaterinburg, where we transferred for testing an aqueous fraction isolated from freshly sawn larch in 2010, exclusively to assess a positive limpotic result on the skin of the face, hands and neck, an interesting effect was found, when taken internally in three women aged 56-58 years, warned about the categorical prohibition of the use of this liquid monthly cycles unexpectedly returned to people who already lacked childbearing functions, which indicates the rejuvenation of the body and the restoration of cells. Here is how the data of laboratory research in Russia was commented by a scientist biologist-geneticist N (he asked not to specify the surname and first name) from Switzerland, our compatriot who went to Europe for scientific activity:

       «According to laboratory data, it is possible to state a certain positive effect on the human body, but research needs to be continued in order to identify different medicinal properties in other medicinal plants and it is likely that it is possible in this way to increase human life expectancy to 100-150 years. Different types of plants give different positive effects. What technical specifications will be issued by investors, what goals and objectives they will pursue, in those areas it is necessary to move and carry out further work».

       To date, Doctor of Technical Sciences Viktor Sergeyevich Kralin cooperates with the Prometheus research group and with the independent Association of Researchers of the USA «Aruba Center for Development, Health and Longevity» under the leadership of Diomid Bashkinov. We need investors and financial resources to create a laboratory with the latest technical equipment and attract specialists from other areas to continue experiments for various purposes and tasks, both in cosmetology and in health and longevity. For those who are interested, subscribe to the group in the telegram channel of «Aruba Wellness Center»: https://t.me/+zxgiYAWdgL4xOGEy


The head of the Prometheus research group is Valery Sivokon.


Борис Иванович 22.11.2022, 20:02
Жаль, что для англоязычных читателей текст, но ознакомлен я с предыдущим текстом на русском языке и могу сказать, что когда государство не уделяет внимание учёным, изобретателям и исследователям, то крах системы не за горами, так как за границу выехал весь цвет учёного сообщества. И. В. Сталин в своё время наоборот всех учёных собирал в молодой стране и собрал и сделал экономический и научный прорыв. Всё зависит от элиты, если элита деградировала, то и всё вокруг в стране будет деградировать, если элита заинтересована в независимости государства, то всё сделает так, чтобы разумные люди вернулись в страну и трудились на благо общества.
Яна ⇒ Борис Иванович23.11.2022, 00:35
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