28.10.2022 23:38

       Why do we need to understand our own multidimensionality? It's so complicated and rather abstract for our everyday life. The answer is simple - people who study their own internal organization live longer and get sick less. So, you can «acquire» the extra 10-20 years of your life and live them more organized, happy and efficient. And THIS is certainly worth some effort to study yourself and your place in this world. There is a lot of talk on the Internet now about the need to cleanse your body, your consciousness, your aura etc. etc. But the modern problem of mankind is much deeper and more serious. It's not so much that we are very «slagged», but that we were captured. They captured our consciousness, our energy fields, our physical bodies. And these «invaders» are a great variety. One of the problems is that capture on a subtle plane (with all the ensuing consequences, including physiological ones) occurs immediately upon incarnation - and even before birth into this world. And you can say more - this capture takes place according to our own agreement, which we go to with almost little awareness of what is happening.

       Because when the Soul is going to incarnate here, it is forced to adapt to the local conditions in accordance with its tasks on the terms of the local «curators» of these processes. This is called an agreement (contract) for the current incarnation. Here on this planet, half of the «curators» from the dark forces - they do all the dirty work here to promote the «remelting» of the Soul - create all the necessary situations for each Soul to pass their planned (including themselves) lessons before the embodiment. And these dark curators are not shy about means - because the tougher and longer the conditions for passing the lessons for the Soul, the more energy they will collect for themselves and their «bosses» from such «students» like us. And in fact, their goal is not to allow any Soul to complete this «restructuring» of consciousness and the structure of its energy field, and not to help to do it. On the contrary, they want to leave each Soul in ignorance as long as possible about its own presence in the life of the Soul and its activity invisible to most people, and force each Soul to endlessly reincarnate and each time entangle it with more and more sophisticated agreements.

       This is how it happened up to the present time for many tens of thousands of years of the time that we somehow know from the existing muddy sources. Therefore, all illnesses, accidents, quarrels, fights, wars, non-random accidents, etc. are carefully planned and implemented. But since each Soul has the opportunity to realize its experience and potential and it is helped by numerous bright helpers, then all the situations planned (by all participants) are constantly modified and corrected from three sides: dark interferents, bright teachers and helpers, and the Soul itself.

       Now on the planet there are colossal «tectonic» changes in energy, vibrations, structures of the space of existence of embodied Souls. And as a result, more and more embodied Souls appear who rise high enough in their development and begin to distinguish, rake up such processes both for themselves and for those around them. There are precedents and subjects that are partially or completely free themselves from the effect of such «incarnation agreements». I repeat - this became possible because the cosmological situation around the planet changed due to the fact that it began to enter its light arms during its «eternal» movement around the center of the Galaxy. Here, the fullness of the light from the center of the Galaxy increases and the activity and awareness of the embodied Souls also increases. This «mechanism» is cyclical - the period of repetition of such cycles is also known - about 26 000 years. This mechanism was created and rules by the creator of our galaxy Svarog, the God known from Slavic epics. But for each Soul, of course, first of all, their own circumstances and possibilities for change are important, if of course they are important. The fact is that, as always, only a small part of the planet's population has the ability and willingness to think about such processes and somehow apply them in their current incarnation. We will speak and focus on just such a relatively meager part of the population.

       And so, what should those who are already in the subject and concerned about how to advance in their development (growth) do? The global (main) goal is to start taking the first steps to free ourselves from the influence of our dark invaders and enslavers. To do this, you need to look around and begin to understand something based on your life experience. Generally speaking, the general movement aimed at the so-called «cleansing» - of the body (from toxins, from parasites, from everything superfluous) is, of course, absolutely correct and positive. But we must understand that this is not the main goal and task. These are all minor points, although they are correct and necessary. There are three kinds of negative influence on human psychophysics that are little considered and almost never are professionally removed. These are:

       - «Pokutny» (karmic lessons) knots,

       - the influence of posthumous magical rituals in past incarnations,

       - and actually, past agreements for incarnations (although they can also appear during life, unfortunately).

       All of the above, of course, is poorly perceived by an unprepared consciousness and requires clarification. I will try to make these explanations, because negative influences must be removed and all their remnants in the core of the consciousness of each developing Soul must be thoroughly cleansed. What actually Aruba Wellness Center of Liberated Consciousness does. At the same time, the «liberation of consciousness» of the Soul is only the beginning of a huge work to transform the structure of the Soul and increase its luminosity. The liberation of the consciousness of the soul from the «dark invaders» is the BASIS. Without which, attempts to increase the vibrations and energy of a person are ineffective and have side effects of increased attraction of the dark «servants» who still «have» their «masters» and an increase in THEIR strength and sophistication of pressure on us.  Ultimately, if a person achieves the level of his consciousness to a certain «height of vibrations» and remains at this height for a long time, then all the connections burn out and fall off. It is probably possible to achieve this by long-term meditative practices at a distance from society in natural nature, for example, in the caves of the Himalayas.

       But we do not have so much time and we consider the duration of the process of «liberation of consciousness» for half a year - a year and apply more productive methods for this without interrupting ordinary social life. And so, what is it - unleashing «Pokutny» knots or «working off and erasing» Karmic vices? Pokuta «or Karma» is the consequences of wrong «fateful» actions in relation to other Living Beings generated by the Creator. And it does not matter how long ago they happened - in past lives or in the current one. In any case, this is perceived by the Environment as unacceptable violations and are subject to «stopping». And a person who allows such violations is subject to «liquidation» (of course, to the extent of what they have done) - people simply shorten their lives by not working out such vices-lessons. And so, the Soul, loaded with such a load of past misdeeds, cannot leave the circle of incarnations here on this planet until these mistakes are realized through various types of suffering and even their traces are erased and a person is guaranteed never to repeat such actions. Many souls have come from other Star Worlds to this planet for various purposes. Someone could not incarnate in his native world after admitting some violations of those harmonious «LAWs» and got stuck here for many incarnations and was unable to get rid of the Karmic consequences - been moved to the zone of low vibrations of consciousness. Someone who has incarnated here with a mission of Light and realizes it, but being born in an earthly family, bears Karmic responsibility for this family and their ancestors.

       Someone is just starting his evolutionary path in this dense world. But everyone is united by the need to be freed from the Karmic lessons of their personal or ancestors. Without this it is not possible to get out of the cycles of incarnation here. Without this, it is not possible to move to a higher level of evolutionary development. The next problem is the heavy load of bindings to magical rituals performed on the Soul against its will and often posthumously. If parts of our light body, parts of the soul are tied through magic to dark egregores or ritual objects, then such a Soul will not be able to «break away» from the low vibrational layers of the Environment and move to higher and lighter areas (layers) of Souls. These bindings need to be recognized, identified and eliminated. In the past dark times, strong bright outstanding personalities were subjected to such rituals in order to take away their potential of the Soul and use it to increase their own potential. Such black magic rituals were carried out by those who themselves were not able to receive vitality from the Creator directly. Further, it is necessary to deal with those voluntary (or false) agreements concluded by the Soul with the Dark curators of evolutionary processes on the Planet.

       The fact is that with each incarnation, the Soul has to adapt to the dense four-dimensional world on the planet, to move from the AM (astral-mental) state to the dense physical one. For this, there is a well-known «mechanism» of BIRTH. And before the incarnation, the Soul agrees on the plan of the future «training» program, includes all the necessary lessons in it, and agrees in advance with the «trainers» who will create all the necessary conditions for the Soul to pass the lesson.

       The role of trainers is played by various kinds of «interferents» (demonic entities, alien agents, etc.) - who take up coaching work not without their own interests. The main interest of the «coaches» is the opportunity to receive the energy of the «student» as a «payment» for their coaching work. But such a coaching «contract» as a rule is only the basis for the uncontrolled introduction of interferents into the aura of his ward. Everything is as always - they agree on one thing, and then during the incarnation, the interferents are not shy about anything, taking advantage of the fact that the Soul, having passed the «threshold of oblivion» at birth, does not remember anything about what was agreed upon on the AM plane with the interferents. And those interferents shamelessly take advantage of this fact. Under the guise of creating conditions for the passage of Karmic lessons by the Soul, interferers actually create in parallel a whole system to take energy from their wards and even particles of the soul on occasion. Therefore, when incarnating here, the Soul finds itself in very harsh conditions, and instead of learning, it begins to sink even deeper into the area of low vibrations of consciousness. In order to get out of dependence on interferers, it is necessary to go through the planned lesson consciously and break the agreement with interferers as unnecessary. Then they will lose the legal opportunity to connect to the human energy field and take from him both life energy and other substances and parts of the Soul. Breaking contracts is always strictly individual and requires certain skills and knowledge.

       Of course - all these points and conditions are perceived with difficulty for an unprepared «ear». But the reality is such that upon RELEASE from all three factors, positive changes in life begin in a person. A person becomes more energetic, INDEPENDENT in making decisions and FREE from imposed life scenarios. Such a person gets access to all volumes of information of the accumulated experience and acquires the possibility of CREATIVITY in any field of activity. His POTENTIAL becomes practically inexhaustible.

       For those who are interested, subscribe to the group in the telegram channel of Aruba Wellness Center: https://t.me/+zxgiYAWdgL4xOGEy




Александр из Германии 29.10.2022, 02:19
Тут наверное только я смог прочитать. Всё верно сказано. Всё правильно.
Виктор Иванович ⇒ Александр из Германии29.10.2022, 18:28
Не только вы знаете английский. Не все выехали русские за рубеж, кто-то из грамотных ещё остался.
Марина 28.12.2022, 16:44
Хорошая группа, там есть что почерпнуть для здоровья и долголетия. Спасибо Радомиру и Диомиду за создание этой группы и надежду, что всё будет хорошо.
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