Lawlessness must be resisted, and one of the ways I see, is a deep understanding of who is behind Biden, injections, war, an open border, the Illuminati and the Archons. I am sure that not everyone who works for the dark forces does it consciously and, having understood who and what they help and that they will have to pay for everything and make a choice, someone can change their position, and those who are on the right side today, act more efficiently. Most of those in power today were put there not by people, but by parasitic entities who cannot receive energy directly from the Universe, like we humans, but only by taking life energy from us. Their puppets, who are at the head of Governments, business, medical, scientific and cultural organizations, are doing everything to make us suffer and spend our attention / energy on negativity and the struggle for existence, because thus our vital energy gets to their masters. All this sounded unbelievable yesterday, but today there is so much information and evidence that even without having any idea about these things, you can figure everything out for several months or even weeks.
Below I will give a list of books, in my opinion, helping to understand what is going on. This is the last battle that has already been won by the forces of Light and who is now helping us return to awareness, including by giving the dark teachers the opportunity to lead us through suffering, when we don’t understand otherwise. We need to unite and remove the puppets of dark forces from power, learn to identify and help bright people come to power, understanding the multidimensionality of the world and the power of positive, that everything in the world is interconnected and everything that happens to us is the result of our deeds, words and thoughts. The faster and deeper we understand everything, the sooner a happy tomorrow will come, where the technologies of free energy, health and longevity will become available to us. Books I’d recommend:
- Michael Newton «Destiny of the Soul», «Journey of the Soul».
- James Mangan «Secret of perfect living».
- Neаl Walsh «Conversations with God».
- Dr. Dispenza «Power of the Subconscious».
- Abd Ru Shin «In the Light of Truth».
- Svetlana Levashova «Revelation».
- FB Group: «Mudflood/Occult History research group».
5 dimension - instant Karma.
There is more and more information about the changes that are coming to us and which, in my opinion, boil down to the fact that Karma, which is now noticeably accelerating, will become instantaneous. In descriptions of out - of-body experience, there is an instant reaction to thoughts - it's worth thinking about something, as you find yourself there. Something like this is coming to us and we are being prepared for this by guiding through the difficulties of those who do not want to understand otherwise. In some movie there was a story about the city of Asgard, the last stronghold of the Empire of the Golden Age, which was held for a long time due to the fact that no one with bad intentions could cross its borders, because these bad intentions were immediately realized in relation to himself. This was possible thanks to the high vibrations, which, after the departure of the Earth on the Night of Svarog, the Magi who were hiding in Asgard continued to support with their energy. Now the Night of Svarog is over and high vibrations are returning to Earth, naturally, which will restore the same effect on the entire planet.
They say that the nagative should disappear by 2050. But the effect of high vibrations and the speed of Karma are already noticeable and will increase. Negativity is becoming more and more destructive, and positivity is more useful. The most valuable thing now is to understand the connection of things and events so that you can see the positive in any situation. Everything that is not pleasure is a lesson leading to development, with the right understanding and benefit from lessons no longer have to wait for years or even lives, it manifests itself faster and more clearly. It is becoming more and more obvious that everything that happens to us is the result of our actions and thoughts.
Understanding this does not come equally to everyone. In general, it is easier for someone to go to a new incarnation than to realize this Law of the Universe. The co-existence of those who have understood the meaning of positivity and those who resist this understanding, continuing to try to reverse the situation in their own way, habitually, «over the knee» - will not be easy and positive people will seek communication with their own kind. The island of Aruba has always been a center of positivity and high vibrations. There is an opinion that ancient Atlantean and Aryan technologies are hidden in Aruba, waiting for better times, and thanks to them the island is bypassed by storms and hurricanes. Aruba is the most visited island in the world and has always attracted positive people. In the light of the upcoming changes, this process will only intensify and the attractiveness of Aruba will grow at a great pace. I invite positive and successful people to Aruba!
For those who are interested, subscribe to the group in the telegram channel «Aruba Wellness Center»:
Independent researcher from the USA, founder of the Aruba Wellness Center (Center for Health and Longevity Development), member of the Prometheus research group Diomid Bashkinov.